Blog 2

 Reminder: Each prompt must include at least 4 sentences for a passing grade.

Your second post should contain:

  • A paragraph about your experience using MS Word as a student (both in K-12 and at FSU). Do you prefer another word processing software (for example: Google Docs)? If so, why do you prefer to use this word processing software?
  • A paragraph about the ISTE Standards for Educators (Links to an external site.). Select the standard that is most meaningful to you. Explain the standard in your own words and why it is important for K-12 educators.
  • A paragraph on whether or not you agree with the label “digital native” for today’s youth. What does it mean to be a digital native? Have you seen differences between how you (digital native) and most of your teachers (digital immigrants) use technology? If so, describe them and what their impact has been on your learning experience. What differences do you anticipate between you and your future students in terms of how you use technology

I began using MS Word at around the age of 10,  I have used it to write stories, assignments, and even to make art. I am also familiar with and use the word processor Google Docs, I began using this tool in high school freshman year for assignments. These days I tend to use both tools. I love the duality of Google Docs, the ability to move between devices with no effort or work loss is what I feel is its most appealing feature.  MS Word has its redeeming features too, it offers far more formatting and embedding tools. Within MS Word you can build an automatic reference and bibliography section, you can incorporate Excel spreadsheets and hyperlinks.

It would be difficult to choose one above the other.  I use each one daily, I select the best one for the task I am completing. Both tools are useful and offer aid to me.

I chose the ISTE Standards for Educator known as 'Learner'. 

'Learner' is the standard that describes how Educators should constantly learn and grow to enhance their ability and enhance their students. I feel it is important for educators to grow and adapt to not only their current students but also the ever-changing materials at their disposal.

I feel that failing to grow and enhance with the increasing and changing material is going to bore the students and they will fail to learn. Repeating the same old curriculum and not allowing for the student variety nor perhaps enhanced material will fail to get the point across to more and more students. 

Educators must adapt and continue to learn to be the best - Learner.

I do not agree with the label of Digital Native for the youth of today.

Superficially Digital native means to have been born in the digital age, the digital immigrant is someone who was born before and adapted to the technological.  This part of the definition I would agree with. 

The definition, however, goes on to make some further assumptions that distinguish the two types.

Digital Native people are said to be more intuitive learners, extremely social, can easily multi-task, and are multimedia orientated. 

Digital Immigrants are logical learners, prefer to talk in person, deal with smaller groups, focus on one task and use traditional news sites.

These assumptions are more about the personality that the 'digital era'.  A person who has adapted to the digital era and is comfortable with it is just as likely to use multimedia. 

Learning 1-on-1 can be just as beneficial, possibly more, than a group social learning method. Communication from multiple sources may not give a simple and easy to understand the answer, leading to confusion. The student could become overwhelmed with the randomization of tasks and information from multiple different sources/tabs/websites.

The definition division suggests that a person cannot adapt and achieve the same level as someone who grew up with the technology, I don't think this is true.

The two types do exist, we are in an era with digital natives and digital immigrants and while the generalization of the groups may appear on the surface to be true, I think we need to account for each individual's abilities and personalities. 

Educators need to make use of ALL techniques available, the old way and the new way, whichever fits the person and subject to achieve the best results.


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