Blog 4

 The grade I chose was grade 1.  In that grade, the children are expected to learn and understand how to do scavenger hunts and be able to open different formats of textbooks along with understanding how to operate blogs, storyboards, and even how to operate Pixar graphics. With my current level of understanding of technology and teaching abilities, I believe I'd be able to teach first graders the requirements needed by the ELA. Because these are first graders who are not only very haphazard when it comes to concentration but this is also a territory that most people would see as being too easy and overlook its key element in everyday life. 

The strategy I chose was the Zero to Hero element. This helps students learn not only how to count to ten but how to count beyond ten. This strategy allows them to not only be excited to use but also they are able to use what they learn in real-life moments. The friendly competition to find Zero the Hero and even the waiting every ten days to meet him again is another element that can encourage the student well past learning to count to the number ten but throughout the school year. I would most definitely use this in my classroom because it encourages students to take the counting beyond the classroom and even make the classroom more inviting for students instead of being a chore. 

Internet searching is familiar and used in everyday life, even more so in academia. When using the internet for researching information can sometimes be difficult. It is frequently hard to find the correct information needed for the assignment or task at hand.  One way to aid the searching would be to familiarize yourself with the searching tools and advanced techniques before you need to do the research, even buzz words can aid with the search of the information needed. 

An everyday example of when someone might reach out to the internet, let us say a person is trying to prepare a large dinner for a work function, they are a proficient cook but they need detailed information about cooking chicken or how many tablespoons it would take to make gravy, and they do not have a cookbook handy. That is when the person would do what most modern people in the world do, they look it up on a search engine such as Google or another type of engine and find the information needed to cook the meal and not give anyone food poisoning. 


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