Blog 9
I had experienced distance learning before the pandemic, I completed my high school as a correspondence student. When FSU began distance learning I was a little disappointed, I wanted to experience campus life, it was only my second semester at FSU when we reverted to distance learning. In the spring semester, we completed the courses online. It was a little disturbing, primarily because there had been no time really to adjust the class content from in-person to online. This semester is the third full semester I have completed online and so I have attended more online than in-person classes at FSU and I have attended the full range of class types from totally online to synchronous classes. I enjoy being able to set my schedule, but I do miss the classroom spirit and interaction. The application Zoom has enabled us to mimic the in-person interaction and I feel most of my courses have adapted well. Classes that require any teamwork, libraries or tutoring can be challenging an...