
Blog 9

  I had experienced distance learning before the pandemic, I completed my high school as a correspondence student. When FSU began distance learning I was a little disappointed, I wanted to experience campus life, it was only my second semester at FSU when we reverted to distance learning. In the spring semester, we completed the courses online. It was a little disturbing, primarily because there had been no time really to adjust the class content from in-person to online. This semester is the third full semester I have completed online and so I have attended more online than in-person classes at FSU and I have attended the full range of class types from totally online to synchronous classes.  I enjoy being able to set my schedule, but I do miss the classroom spirit and interaction. The application Zoom has enabled us to mimic the in-person interaction and I feel most of my courses have adapted well. Classes that require any teamwork, libraries or tutoring can be challenging and are a b

Blog 8

  When I initially started on the assignment I had some idea of how I wanted to create my website, I also thought I had some existing knowledge about building websites from my experience with Civil Air Patrol and High School. I was unprepared for what awaited me. I was stunned to see how different the tools were and how ineffective my previous experience was. I had seen a teacher website built on the Weebly platform in the earlier assignment but I was not prepared for how difficult it was to manipulate the templates. Signing up for the tool and selecting the class type proved to be by far the easiest part. Themes or templates were extremely difficult to manipulate and not very intuitive. After multiple attempts I finally resorted to viewing several Youtube guides, I quickly learned that while the theme was important being able to place text, links, and pictures in the appropriate place on the screen was by far one of the trickiest parts. I enjoyed looking for material and designing the

Blog 7

  Example Teaching website. The website I visited was an 11th-grade English teacher Mrs. Barefoot. Mrs. Barefoot teaches at a high school in Mcmurray, Washington County, Pennsylvania. I found it to be a very helpful and easy to follow site. Looking at the site, it is built and hosted by a web hosting service Weebly, the contact page gives a large amount of information to students primarily Mrs. Barefoots' email and web page but also the classes, location, and subject for the semester.  Students can quickly confirm they are looking at the correct class information from this contact page.  The other tabs are specific to class and MLA layouts required during the classes. Mrs. Barefoot appears to teach 11th grade English and 10th grade Honors. The contact suggests she also teaches Theatre Arts but there is not a matching tab for details on that class.  Both the English and the Honors have links that will automatically either bring u

Blog 6

  I have not used Diigo before and I have found it to be very difficult because of how it was formatted, I did not like the fact that if I wished to contact my team to get information or to start the project. I would equate it more to the Twitter forum than what I originally thought it would be like (Facebook forum). I understand the concept of the website and I understand it’s more of a Twitter for teachers, but I do have a hard time navigating the site.  I have written articles for websites and magazines in the past, they were mainly on websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, however, before this class, I had not written any type of blog. Blogging is fun and I like that I can share large amounts of information that is interesting as well as getting information out in a productive manner. I have learned that the blogging process is akin to writing than it is just sending out a post on Facebook. One of the web 2.0 tools I would like to bring to everyone's attention is Dr

Blog 5

  My first experience with Twitter was in high school. As the student responsible for distributing information about our club I was asked to create a Twitter account.  I used this account to post details about upcoming events and details about members or past events. The information was available to other high school students with Twitter accounts, frequently from the same club. I did not like Twitter, perhaps it was not the correct tool for the job. I did not like its limited editing ability, particularly the fact you could not back-track and edit entries.  It seemed rather two-dimensional compared to Facebook and Instagram which I prefer, and seem to be more three-dimensional forms.   My experience with Twitter, using it perhaps in the wrong application leads me to feel that I would likely use it in a very limited way. It may be a good 'instant' communicator, getting details out to large groups fast but I think I would more likely use Facebook or Instagram first. The digital

Blog 4

  The grade I chose was grade 1.  In that grade, the children are expected to learn and understand how to do scavenger hunts and be able to open different formats of textbooks along with understanding how to operate blogs, storyboards, and even how to operate Pixar graphics. With my current level of understanding of technology and teaching abilities, I believe I'd be able to teach first graders the requirements needed by the ELA. Because these are first graders who are not only very haphazard when it comes to concentration but this is also a territory that most people would see as being too easy and overlook its key element in everyday life.  The strategy I chose was the Zero to Hero element. This helps students learn not only how to count to ten but how to count beyond ten. This strategy allows them to not only be excited to use but also they are able to use what they learn in real-life moments. The friendly competition to find Zero the Hero and even the waiting every ten days to

Newsletter blog

Copyright is a form of patenting where the person has the right to the content they have created. The author has exclusive rights to the work that lasts 70 after their death. The work that can be copyrighted includes novels, articles, songs, movies, pictures, sculptures, sound recordings, software, and much more. By copyrighting an item the creator protects it from theft, however, there is another related term "fair use', which allows others to use the copyrighted material. Fair use allows someone to use pieces of copyright material without the permission of the original owner, so long as they follow certain rules.  When writing reviews or related articles you can include small pieces of a copyrighted piece but you must include references giving credit to the original author and copyrighted piece.  When teaching a class with a subject that is highly copywriting such as Disney it is usually much better to give them credit at the end of the snippet or end of the lesson. When wri